Reduce the cost on manual finance work by over 60%

There's this notion that working on a finance team means working long hours, missing dinners and birthdays, and crunching numbers all day. But we know there's a better way to do finance work, especially manual finance work.

Welcome to KNOTS – the first GenAI employee for finance teams.
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Over 70+ companies already signed up. Join them, and #tryKNOTS today.

10 times more productive

Get Answers Fast

Generate actionable insights that include key metrics such as cash flow depletion, growth rate, and estimated tax payments, while also detecting potential issues.
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Ask for a report

KNOTS can write a narrative for financial analysis that it performs. It helps to explain the data and report showing patterns and hidden insights.
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Show off with charts

Easily turn data into different kind of charts including Pie Chart, Histogram, Line Chart, etc. Download everything and turn it into a report
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It feels like interacting with your colleague

We never wanted to build a product; we wanted to build an GenAI employee. KNOTS is a place where you have an open world to interact with your data as if you were talking to a colleague. No features to remember, no onboarding, and no nonsense. Just start asking.

Reduce the cost on manual finance work by over 60%

Companies spend over $1.2M annually on operational costs. A finance employee will spend over 20 hours a week just doing manual work (crunching numbers, updating spreadsheets, etc). KNOTS takes these hours and shrinks them to seconds.

For a wide variety of Finance tasks.


Use the power of our Gen-AI employee to get things done in seconds!
Say goodbye to the time-consuming ordeal of manual invoice processing
Witness a seamless data entry experience as our Gen-AI employee  effortlessly integrates with your ERP, completing the task in seconds
Document processing in seconds.

Finance Teams

Accelerate your productivity with our Gen-AI employee.
Reconciliations. Create instant reports from multiple accounts in seconds.
Ask questions, gain insights, and examine details from a range of financial papers like contracts, RPA papers, money statements, plans, and summaries of profits in seconds.
Ask questions, draw insights, and analyze data in their invoices, cashbooks, and bank statements in just seconds.


You have the choice of paying for another fintech tool, or you can simply hire a very fast and smart Gen-AI employee to add to your finance team. It is a no brainer.
Co-pilot with your Gen-AI employee and get answers to questions in a matter of seconds.
Reduce manual finance work by integrating a superhuman colleague with your finance team.
Get real-time reports at any time from your data by simply asking. No need to remember features.

Data you can trust - Eliminate hallucinations

Our LLM has a specialized semantic layer that interprets and safeguards financial data, preventing hallucinations. It also provides supporting data so you can rest assure the information is correct.


Connect KNOTS to you favourite ERPs and CRMs and start putting it to work. It will crunch these numbers in seconds.


Have KNOTS extracts relevant data and information from invoices, cashbooks and bank statements in seconds.

Financial Analysis

KNOTS loves FP&A! Let it analyse financial data and generate actionable insights including relevant metrics such as cash burn, growth rate, and estimated tax payment in seconds.

Export Data

Why spend hours on reports, when you can have KNOTS do it for you? Export data, reports and charts as CSV, or have it convert reports into chart images to use for presentations in seconds.

Kind words from  industry leaders

Todays finance functions needs to go beyond statutory reporting and compliance responsibilities and provide meaningful and actionable insights and recommendations to business stakeholders if and when needed. We are excited to be a customer of KNOTS.
Ullrich Loeffler
Co-Founder & CEO
KNOTS is changing the rules of the SaaS game by building a Finance Gen-AI employee for companies. It is the disruptive thinking and innovation that makes KNOTS founders so unique. Their Gen-AI finance employee can do tasks that normally take hours in just seconds. It is mind-boggling at times but also very impressive and makes you wonder how these two founders will shape the way finance teams operate in the present and future. Tenity is proud to support this team on its exciting journey.
Jonas Thürig
Head Asia, Managing Partner

Frequently Asked Questions

Still have doubts? Here's everything we think you should know.

Can I use KNOTS for free?

We always like to say that we're not building a product, but rather an experience, or, or an extra employee you can add to your Finance. Therefore, we offer a 30 days free trial with the Starter plan, and you can upgrade anytime you want.

Is my financial data safe? What security systems do you have in place?

Security and privacy are of paramount importance to us, and we are SOC 2 compliant. We provide data encryptions for your financial data. We also enable you to delete all data whenever needed. We provide private cloud and on-premise deployment too when needed.

Do I need a credit card to get started?

You can start your free trial without the need for a credit card. Simply sign up, connect your ERP system, and start using it. If, after your 30-day trial, you like what you see, you can ask to upgrade, and only then we will ask for a credit card. 

KNOTS is hosted by whom?

KNOTS is hosted on AWS, and we are part of Nvidia Inception. In addition, we also provide private cloud and on-premise deployment of our multimodal AI model.

Start doing finance manual work in SECONDS, not hours!

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